Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

11 Positive Effect on the Love Hormone in Humans

(Photo: thinkstock)

The oxytocin is produced by a structure in the brain called the hypothalamus. These hormones affect human behavior and generated a lot when you're falling in love. Apparently, the benefits and the effect is not only making a human child romantic couple.

Oxytocin creates a feeling of calm and made ​​the couple who were hit by a more intimate affair. The study found that hormones released during labor involved and the nursing infant. Several recent studies were mainly focused on exploring the effects of oxytocin in the body.

As quoted from MyHealthNewsDaily, Thursday (12/27/2012), here are the various effects of the hormone of love for humans:

1. Makes people so generous
A 2007 study published the journal Public Library of Science ONE find this conclusion. In the study, participants were asked to breathe through the nose oxytocin or placebo and then asked to divide the money owned by foreigners. Oxytocin inhaler turns out 80 percent more generous. Presumably, these hormones affect the attitude of altruism.

2. Make sleep easy
Oxytocin is released in the brain when a state of mind free from stress, so naturally make people so easy to sleep, according to a 2003 study published the journal Regulatory Peptides. Oxytocin counteracting the effects of the stress hormone, cortisol. The effect is to make the mind calm down.

3. Triggering instinct to protect
A study published the journal Science confirmed that oxytocin triggers protective attitude towards their loved ones from external attacks or familiarly known as solidarity. Previous studies in animals also suggest that this hormone supports protectionist behavior.

4. Improving social skills
A study published the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that inhaling oxytocin can improve social interactions in people with autism. Previous studies have found that people with autism have low levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin also reduces the fear of people with autism.

5. Inhibiting drug addiction
According to a research report published in 1999 the journal Progress in Brain Research, several studies have shown that oxytocin inhibits tolerance to addictive drugs, including opium, cocaine and alcohol, as well as reduce symptoms sakau.

6. Increase sexual arousal
A number of brain chemicals released during orgasm humans, including oxytocin. These chemicals can strengthen the bonds between sexual partners. Mice whose brains were injected with oxytocin erections spontaneously, according to a 2001 study published the journal Physiological Review.

7. Supports childbirth and breastfeeding
Oxytocin is released in large amounts during labor, thus triggering uterine contractions that open the cervix and allow a baby through the birth canal. Since the early 1900s, the doctor uses a synthetic oxytocin, also known by the brand name Pitocin to help labor.

After childbirth, hormones continue to stimulate uterine contractions to prevent bleeding and many more will be issued when the nipples are stimulated while nursing a baby.

8. Strengthen emotional memories
A study published the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences supports the theory that oxytocin strengthens childhood memories of the men about her. In the trial against 31 people, researchers found that people who inhale oxytocin synthetic increasingly strong recall fond memories of his mother, as long as reasonably good relationship with the mother.

9. Relieve stress
A study conducted in prairie voles found that rats separated from his brother to show signs of anxiety, stress and depression. However, these symptoms subside after being injected with oxytocin. The study, presented at the Society for Neuroscience in 2007 shows the effect of these hormones to counteract stress.

10. strengthen relationships
Researchers compared levels of oxytocin and a related hormone called vasopressin in urine of children in orphanages in Russia and Romania. The results found that oxytocin increases in children after contact with her birth mother.

Research conducted in 2005 and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that oxytocin levels also remain in the same foster child. This may explain why some adopted children have difficulty in forming relationships.

11. Triggering proximity mother with baby
A 2007 study published the journal Psychological Science found that women who had higher levels of oxytocin during the first trimester of pregnancy closer to her baby. Compared with other women, women who have high levels of oxytocin during pregnancy and a few months after childbirth is also much closer to her baby.

Source:  MyHealthNewsDaily

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