Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Vegetable and Cheese, Healthy Snacks so that Kids Not Overweight

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
Snacking is a major contribution to the problem of obesity. Most children choose fatty snacks and filling that trigger overeating. Selection of snacks such as cheese combined with vegetables may help prevent obesity.

The problem not only lies in the number of times the kids snacking every day, but also a selection of snacks they eat. Snacks such as potato chips loaded with fat, not filling effect and increase appetite.

In a recent study published online in the medical journal Pediatrics, researchers from the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University devised an experiment to see if the kids will still eat high calorie weight after snacking healthier snack choices.

Snacking on vegetables may be less appealing to children when compared with potato chips and sweet pastries. But by combining veggies plus cheese, may make children interested in a healthier snack option this.

The study included 102 elementary school children from grade 3 to grade 6 were randomly divided into 4 groups according to type of snack, a group of potato chips, cheese, vegetables, and the last group is a group of cheese plus vegetables.

During the study period, the children were allowed to snack while watching TV which usually takes 2 times 45 minute television show. Before, during and after the TV show, each child was evaluated on the full sensation in his stomach when snacking.

The researchers found that the children who ate cheese plus veggies as a snack, consume 72 percent fewer calories than those who ate potato chips. In addition, children need fewer calories to feel full than those who ate potato chips.

The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that the combination of snack consisting of vegetables and cheese can be an effective means to reduce the calorie intake of children when snacking. After snacking vegetables and cheese, kids feel quite full and not overeat later.

As quoted from emaxhealth, Thursday (20/12/2012), the researchers recommend 4 things to help the children get fewer calories when snacking:

1. Choosing the type of snacks that are nutritious and not eliminate the habit of snacking.

2. Replacing a healthier snack like potato chips into the vegetables and cheese.

3. Offers a number of snacks that are smaller but diverse in the plate, for example, consists of some vegetables and fruits.

4. Encourage children to be better able to control themselves when snacking and stop eating when they feel full.

Source:  Emaxhealth

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