Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Alert! Many Diabetes Attacking Kids in July and December

(Photo: thinkstock)
Diabetes is usually synonymous with a disease of older people, but now more and more children in Indonesia are suffering from diabetes. Its worth a watch, the case is up in July and December. Why?

Based on data from Indonesian Pediatric Association, in 2009 Indonesia was not until 150 children are diagnosed with diabetes. However, based on recent (2012), almost 800 children with diabetes. This means, in 2 to 3 years there was an increase to 500 percent of cases.

The majority of the 800 children with type 1 diabetes (because the pancreas cell damage), but 60 of them were patients with type 2 diabetes (diabetes due to unhealthy lifestyles) and all of them are overweight.

"Last five year, every July and December, diabetes in children increases because of the phenomenon of the holiday," said dr. Aman Bhakti Pulungan, Sp.A (K), endocrine pediatrician Faculty of medicine, in the event of Media Education 'Danger Additional Sugar Intake and Its Impact on Children's Health and Concentration', at Hotel Mulia, Jakarta, Wednesday (19/12/2012).

According to Dr. Aman, the close pattern of the child's life becomes disorganized mess alias, ranging from sleep patterns, activities to diet.

"Holiday in us different from a holiday abroad. If overseas, holiday, children were told to join the summer camp, so stay active. While on our vacation even if not known. Sleep not frivolous, not frivolous activity, do not eat too crazily, "added Dr. Aman.

In addition due to enter the holiday period, increasing cases of diabetes in December was also associated with some viral infections, which can trigger the onset of diabetes.

"There is also, in December-January when many cases of hand, foot mouth (HFMD or Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease), which is caused by enteroviruses. Later that cases of diabetes (in children) increases. So some viruses are considered as the originator , "said Dr. Aman.

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