Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

See the porn-porn on the Internet Can Make Forgetful

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

Seen pornographic images on the internet might be an entertainment for some people. But apparently they have seen pornographic images do not necessarily always remember. This happens because of viewing pornography on the internet can interfere with short-term memory alias make forgetful.

A study conducted to examine the effect of image processing in working memory brain porn. As we all know there is a part of the brain responsible for keeping this information in mind while completing the task. Well, working memory is very important to understand, reason, solve problems, and make decisions.

Quoted from MyHealthNewsDaily, Friday (12/14/2012), German researchers asked 28 men, average age 26 and all heterosexuals to see some pictures on the computer. Not all images are shown pornographic images. Some of the images are not pornographic shown include images of people laughing, exercising, or carrying a weapon.

The volunteers were asked to touch the 'yes' and 'no' to indicate whether they had seen the picture of the four previous slide. Apparently a lot of men who answered incorrectly linked pornographic images views compared with pornographic images. On average, they correctly answered 67 percent while viewing pornographic images, and 80 percent correct when viewing images nonsexual.

Their memory is worse pornographic images. Even some men feel sexual arousal increases so eager to masturbate while viewing pornographic images.

"Sexual arousal interfere with working memory, an important aspect of executive function," said study author, Christian Laier, a graduate student whose research under the guidance of psychologists Matthias Brand at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

According to the researchers, the findings could help psychologists understand why some people are addicted to pornography on the internet forgot to sleep, missed appointments, neglect of responsibilities and work relationships.

"Sexual arousal and its impact on cognitive processes may explain the negative effects," the researchers wrote.

Previous research linking pornographic image processing in brain areas responsible for emotion, passion, and attention. Because new research focused on heterosexual men, further research is necessary to determine the impact of porn on the internet on the performance of women and gay brains.

The study was published last November in the Journal of Sex Research.

Source:  Myhealthnewsdaily

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