Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

This Causes up and down Blood Sugar Levels

(Photo: thinkstock)

The instability of blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes mellitus. So it is important for you to know the factors that influence blood sugar fluctuations to prevent the possibility of the worst.

Some of the following circumstances responsible for the fluctuations in blood sugar, as reported onlymyhealth, Friday (12/28/2012), among others:

1. Eating sugary foods
When a person is eating too many foods that contain too much sugar, the body will produce more insulin to process sugar. This can cause more cell membrane that opens to the absorption of glucose into cells.

So that glucose will be absorbed into the cells and automatically affect the concentration of glucose in the blood drops to cause a spike in blood sugar.

2. Insulin resistance
People who experience insulin resistance, few cell membrane that opens and is unable to detect insulin. Thus, glucose and insulin in the blood will remain intact while some cells will lack the glucose intake.

3. Disorders of the pancreas
Pancreatic cells function to release insulin in the blood but the cells can be weakened if the amount of insulin produced excessive, such as eating too many sweets.

When pancreatic cells fatigue, the cells are unable to produce insulin needed to process glucose, even though the normal level. This is what causes blood sugar imbalances.

To avoid the danger of diabetes because of unstable blood sugar, you need to measure blood sugar levels with a glucose meter. Test your blood sugar before a meal and a few hours after eating.

Foods containing complex carbohydrates are absorbed slowly in the cell. So you need to test blood glucose 3-4 hours after eating a high carbohydrate diet to assess their impact. It can tell you that the food you have just eaten can affect blood sugar levels or not. So you will be more selective in choosing food.

You may also need to reduce the size of the portion of food to prevent obesity. Obesity is also one factor that can increase the risk of diabetes.

Source:  onlymyhealth

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