Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Supplements are Right For You

Supplements  For You
Not all supplements are appropriate for you and not all the right supplements can help you. With a wide range of different purposes, you need to consider whether the supplement for you is the same as your friends who have different goals. Therefore we give this article to help you choose the best.

Tired of Premature
Tired of Premature In Training

Have you ever training in the gym in one or two exercises and then you feel exhausted? You may then find the next generation has begun to diminish. Fatigue at the beginning of the exercise would be very unpleasant and demoralizing because instead of finishing the exercise, your body instead chose to relax.

The first thing you should look for in this issue is whether the training program you are doing is correct. If you exercise too much or doing exercises with high volume then it could be a problem.

But if it not the problem, then you need to think about supplementation. A key molecule involved in producing muscle contraction as long as you do lift weights is creatine phosphate. These are molecules that help formulate high-energy compounds, ATP, which is used as a source of energy for every lifting weights that you do.

When the body no longer has a need for creatine phosphate to synthesize ATP, that's when you're having trouble and fatigue appeared to continue the exerciseYou will usually be able to get creatine from ordinary food, but if you do the exercises, it will be enough to give you energy. By adding a creatine supplement then it means you deliver additional supplies in the muscle and when you are in the gym, have a lot of ammo available.

muscle stiff
Muscle stiff sustainable

Actually, it is normal if you feel a little stiff after a workout at the gym (note: stiff, is not sick), especially after you have made a new type of exercise or a new pattern. But if you continue to feel sore or feel days to affect your training then it is time to look for the problem because it will affect the development of your body.

Make sure you are stretching at least 10 minutes before exercise and warm up with a treadmill or light weight training. But if it continues and feels stiff then you need to look at the supplements that you are taking.

Glutamine is one kind of protein or amino acids that are important for the body even though non-essential (that can be obtained from foods such as meat). The exercises you do will surely need a lot of glutamine and usually these nutrients are depleted first during practice. Glutamine deficiency means you may experience fatigue because no replacement muscle rupture.

In general, if you consume whey protein, glutamine then included. But, again, if it still feels stiff in the long term it is a special supplement glutamine will help you to reduce fatigue and accelerate muscle formation.

Lack of Energy
Lack of Energy

Maybe you feel the body is tired after a long day and not strong enough to do the exercises. This is a common thing in an increasingly busy either at work, or still a student. If you are too tired, then the best solution is to rest and do not practice it. But if this continues even when you are not too busy, then you need to do something about it.

Try using caffeine supplements to boost energy quickly. Without you realize most people have been using this supplement (or caffeine in the form of coffee) to reduce drowsiness and more energized at work. But for those who are obese, of course, would be highly advisable to use a coffee with sugar and cream because it could interfere with the diet.

In addition, some types of supplements such as taurine can also increase your energy during practice.

Taste Hungry is Uncontrolled

For those of you who are in the process of weight loss, hunger is often continuously emerge and interfere with your diet and can even destroy because without knowing the end you take a snack and continue to eat it up. Hunger does need to be addressed with a meal, but if the hunger shown continuously over limit your diet it needs some special tricks to overcome them.

By naturally, you can change your entire eating high-fiber foods such as fresh vegetables. Thus, carbohydrate intake will be longer in the digestive tract so that hunger can be reduced.

But if you are still hungry, then you need to use supplements is Hoodia. In South Africa, Hoodia is used by local hunters to help overcome hunger to appear so they can last longer on a long journey.

Of course, this supplement is not used to make you do not eat all day, but still pay attention to the calories that you need so that you can keep a healthy diet.

Source:  Study from the journal (I fit) 

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