Senin, 10 Desember 2012

In order that Diligently Wake up and Sport in the Morning, Do this trick

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock
Exercising in the morning proved to be not only fun but will also increase your energy for a long day. So how to get up and exercise diligent breakfast regularly?

"People who diligently tend to be more consistent early riser exercise in the morning because they do not see many obstacles to move in the morning than in the afternoon," said Chris Freytag, a fitness expert and a member of the American Council on Exercise.

But if both are still difficult for you, consider the 7 tricks quoted from huffingtonpost, Tuesday (12/11/2012) following.

1. Create a specific schedule
"Do not just say, 'I'll work out tomorrow morning.' Make a plan organized and also specify what kind of exercise you will do the time, "advises Patricia Friberg, a certified personal trainer.

You can create a weekly schedule on Sundays or public holidays. For example, if you have to be in the office early in the morning for a meeting, may exercise at home for 15 minutes is considered sufficient. This method can also ensure the health balance of cardio and strength daily.

2. Drink water
Coffee is often used by people to make him wake up in the morning but this is actually not the best choice for an energy boost, especially if you want to exercise. "Leave the habit and move on to two glasses of water," suggested a yoga instructor named Tamal Dodge.

Because water helps to neutralize the body and provide energy that can sustain and motivate you to run all the routines in the morning, he said.

3. Appreciate yourself
"Giving something to you as a token of appreciation, such as a manicure or buying new clothes every two weeks can help motivate you to be consistent on a fitness workout routine," said Freytag.

Freytag himself admitted promised to give a 'gift' for himself if he managed to achieve long-term goals of fitness exercise does. According to him, this is going to make it 'tempted' to get up in the morning and the gym. "This is also the same as creating a little competition with yourself," said Freytag.

4. Use natural sound alarm
Alarm of an alarm clock or a loud phones often even result in disturbing your rest. As a result you were so reluctant to get up in the morning. Instead of using them, use an alarm that uses natural sounds such as birds or the sound of waves.

Such alarms to help tell you that it is time to wake up and slowly return your awareness so that you become a good mood and ready to exercise.

5. Keep wearing pajamas
If you think you wake up in the morning and drive to the gym or wear sneakers to jog, do it in the house. Take advantage of DVD aerobics or jogging, try jogging in the house or live turn your favorite songs and sway. In fact you can do it on the bed.

6. No need to exercise for long
Nobody says you have to exercise for 30 minutes or more so that you can get the benefits. In fact, many studies have revealed the shorter the duration of your sport then the greater the benefits.

The important key is to keep the time and muster all your efforts in all that time. You can exercise in just 7 to 10 minutes in the morning and if your schedule allows, repeat the routine in the middle of the day or night.

7. Notice the details
Unexpectedly, there may be little things that you need to push your diligent exercise. For example, training in brightly colored clothing may help push the mood and inspire yourself to exercise and get a cup of coffee at the end of the session as a 'reward'.

Can also help your favorite music is deliberately set to accompany this routine after work or while exercising at home.

Source:  huffingtonpost

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