Jumat, 07 Desember 2012

The Risk of Diabetes has been lurking Someone from in the Womb

illustration (photo: Thinkstock)
Diabetes is known as a disease caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet. A study shows that the risk of diabetes a person has acquired in the womb because the mother's diet mistakes.

According to the researchers, more than half of pregnant women are less able to meet the nutritional needs during pregnancy. Though nutrition is necessary to protect the baby since she was in utero to high levels of glucose and insulin resistance.

Francisco J. Sanchez-Muniz, researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid and one of the authors of the study explained that babies can feel the impact dalamrahim good and bad foods are eaten by the mother during pregnancy.

The study found that women who ate a diet high in carbohydrates and saturated fat during pregnancy, delivery of babies who have higher levels of glucose and insulin resistance markers in the baby's umbilical cord blood.

"The research we've done shows that the baby has had a risk of developing diabetes in the womb because the mother did not change her diet when pregnant," said Sanchez-Muniz, the leader of the study, as quoted emaxhealth, Saturday (12/08/2012).

The results are then published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It is important for pregnant women to realize the importance of eating foods that are good for the health of mothers and

Further studies should be done to understand how children are born with a blood glucose level was high, growing from time to time. Later studies also need to find a way to avoid, or at least reduce the development of diabetes.

These findings confirm the importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy can affect the development of fetal pancreatic insulin secretion to control that function. Prevention of diabetes can be started from someone still in the womb. Eat a healthy diet during pregnancy will reduce the risk of diabetes in children in the future.

Source:  Emaxhealth

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