Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

57 Maggots out of Grandmother Ear this

Catherine McCann (Photo: The Sun)
Hearing the word maggot alone can make people disgusted. But what would happen if these maggots in the ears? Catherine McCann is experienced which there are 57 maggots in the ears.

About 57 maggots found crawling in the middle ear Catherine McCann (92 years old) when he was in a nursing home where his family have spent more than 6,000 pounds per month.

"I was horrified, shocked and thought horrible, I pay all the money for this kind of treatment like that," said her husband John McCann (88 years), as quoted by The Sun, Thursday (13/12/2012).

Catherine is known to have advanced stage of Alzheimer's disease which he could not speak and was also not able to take care of herself, because her husband was sent to be treated in a nursing home. But the hard-earned money that was spent to make this family was disappointed.

The medical care for Catherine believes this condition begins when there is a fly that goes into your ear and lay eggs to hatch into maggots 57.

The staff of the nursing home Catherine finally brought to the hospital after seeing her scratch and pull-up ears. When they arrived at the hospital ward, the maggots are found crawling out of his ears.

Nursing home where Catherine stayed true to treat infections caused by enlargement of the ear canal. And doctors have examined about 9 days before the maggots were discovered and prescribe eye drops to remove wax buildup in his ears.

However, the family questioned how Catherine could receive treatment for his left ear had been in it if there are dozens of maggots.

The surgeon was finally issued 57 maggots from the ear Catherine, doctors make a videotape to document these maggots. When successfully removed and analyzed, the researchers concluded that the maggots had been there in the ear Catherine for 2-3 days.

Source:  The Sun

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