Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Feel 5 Health Benefits of Jump Rope

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)

Skipping with a rope or skipping is inexpensive sport that brings many benefits. By diligently doing skipping, you can get a beautiful body shape.

Quoted by the Times of India, Tuesday (11/12/2012), skipping able to fortify cardiovascular system, build muscle, and improve agility. Well, here's 5 health benefits of skipping.

1. Fat Busters

Skipping can help you to shed up to 450 calories in just 30 minutes. Wow, amazing is not it?

2. Promoting Cardiovascular Events

Because including cardiovascular exercise, then these activities can increase breathing and heart rate. This exercise can make the heart stronger and allow it to pump more blood and deliver oxygen and nutrients to body tissues.

3. Against Osteoporosis

Skipping can help improve a person's bone density so as to keep the body from osteoporosis. A site mentions The Osteoporosis Society recommends engaging in physical activity such as jumping up and down for two to five minutes each day to help prevent osteoporosis.

4. Improve Focus

Skipping is also believed to be able to help you get a better concentration.

5. cheap

This exercise is very cheap. No penny you spend to do this exercise. So that everyone can do it anywhere.

Source:  Times of India

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