Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

Boys are not Circumcised, Susceptible Bladder Infections

illustration (Photo: Thinkstock)
Although painful, but the medical procedure commonly known as circumcision or circumcision has been proven for male reproductive health. Even recently a study found that boys are not circumcised ten times more susceptible to kidney infections, bladder and urethra than circumcised boys.

"Circumcision provide lifelong protection, even making a difference three or four times larger than our predictions. Course this is quite a surprise to the medical world," said lead researcher Brian Morris, professor of molecular medicine from Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney.

Morris and his colleagues obtained this conclusion after analyzing 22 studies published between the years 1987 to 2012, involving 407,902 men from all over the world who are not circumcised quarter.

From there, researchers calculated rates of the likelihood of a urinary tract infection (urinary tract infections / UTI) in participants from birth to age one year was 9.9 times higher in children who are not circumcised. As for the participants aged 1-16 years, the risk is 6.6 times higher in children who are not circumcised, and to the age of 16 years the risk is 3.4 times higher in uncircumcised men.

"Based on these findings, we can estimate that the doctors can prevent one out of every four cases of UTI circumcision procedure done," Morris said as quoted by MSNBC, Monday (10/12/2012).

The study has been published in the Journal of Urology.

Earlier in August 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics for the first time stated that the health benefits of circumcision procedures that outweigh the risks, but the decision to circumcise the child be returned to their parents.

In addition, the CDC recently also evaluate the potential positive health effects of circumcision procedure but again the spokesman stressed that the recommendations given will be voluntary.

Source:  MSNBC

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