Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

Cancers That Are Difficult Be Cured

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

When I heard the diagnosis of cancer, the question arises in the minds of most people is how much chance of recovery. Unfortunately, some types of cancer is still difficult to cure, even though it does not mean not at all.

Actually there are a lot of factors that affect the chances of recovering a cancer, but the main thing is how quickly the symptoms initially detected. The earlier symptoms are detected sooner and receive the appropriate treatment, the chances of recovery will be higher.

"In principle, the sooner detected, the greater the chance of recovery., And when it is detected, do not run to the alternative," Dr. Ramadan message, SpBOnk.

Unfortunately, according to Dr. Ramadan, most cancer patients in Indonesia came under conditions already in stage 3 or 4. This makes any kind of cancer is so difficult to cure, not because there are no drugs or therapies are appropriate but sometimes because it's too late.

Whatever type of cancer, if detected and treated early then hope for a cure is very large. Advances in medical technology make cancer therapy in the present does not always have to be painful, such as the presence of targeted therapy (targeted therapy) are minimal side effects.

Some types of cancer do have a lower chance of recovery than others. Lung cancer, for example, are relatively more difficult to cure because it spreads very fast and until now no drug is truly effective to overcome.

"Today is considered good prognosis include thyroid cancer, skin cancer and breast cancer, while the worst prognosis of pancreatic cancer, liver and lungs," said Dr. Sonar Soni Panigoro, SpBOnk (K), director of the Cancer Hospital Dharmais the second article of health before.

However, the suggestion for the early detection remains valid for any type of cancer. As stated by Dr. Ramadan, one way is to always be wary of any lump in the body and immediately checked if deemed suspicious.

Source:  Journal of Health Seconds

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