Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Mistakes That Often Done ​​in the Restaurant and Make Fat

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Occasionally eating out will not make you gain weight. But the weight loss diet you undertake will not be successful if you repeatedly make mistakes in ordering food at a restaurant.

Here are 5 mistakes that you often do when eating at a restaurant that can make you fat, as reported by huffingtonpost, Monday (12/31/2012), among others:

1. Taking too much mayonnaise sauce
Mayonnaise sauce often served with salad or pasta that can taste delicious food. But mayonnaise sauce containing high fat and calories that is one reason why eating in a restaurant can make you gain weight. Instead of using mayonnaise sauce,choose topping food that more healthy such as olive oil.

2. Ordering food served in a large plate
Usually elite eateries serving great food in a plate and a portion of the lot to satisfy customers. Things to make you fat is when you have quite full but feel pity for leaving food delicious and expensive.

3. Origin message food, without regard to calories
You need to be more selective in choosing the food menu at the restaurant, because some food is sometimes served with ingredients such as cream or butter-fat and high-calorie. It is better if you ask the waiter about the composition of foods listed in the menu to calculate the number of calories.

4. Seduced with a salad toppings which various flavors
The vegetables were steamed very good for health because of its high fiber and antioxidant substances. However, when the vegetables are presented in the form of salad cream topping and coupled with the diverse flavors, health benefits of vegetables will be lost because losing with fat and sugar contained in the cream.

5. Easily tempted with dessert display
Dessert at a restaurant is usually a sweet pastry served with a gorgeous and seductive. But the cookies contain too much sugar and high-calorie diet that can frustrate you. Limit yourself that are not easily seduced with desserts look and think back before reached.

Source:  Huffingtonpost

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