Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Display Packets of Cigarettes in four ASIAN Countries is Terrible

(Photo: thinkstock)
Jakarta - In Indonesia, every pack of cigarettes in circulation just had a health warning in the form of small writing on the back. In fact, in some other ASEAN countries, cigarette packaging has been accompanied by pictorial health warnings.

Four of the 11 ASEAN countries have implemented a form of picture health warnings on cigarette packaging since 2004 were preceded by Singapore. Four countries who implement policies is Malaysia.

Here are 4 display cigarette packs in ASEAN countries that have implemented pictorial health warnings, based on data from the Program Development Health Warnings on Cigarette Pack FKM UI, reported by  journal of health seconds, Wednesday (12/19/2012):

Photo: FKM UI)

1. Singapore

Singapore is a pioneer in the ASEAN countries to implement health warnings on cigarette packs shaped images from July 2004. Figure occupy 50 percent of the surface area of ​​the front and back of cigarette packs.

There are 6 images, each of which is applied in every variant of tobacco products in the first round. Enforcement of regulations is consistently identified by the tobacco industry compliance with applicable regulations, including the production of Indonesian cigarettes imported into lion country.

(Photo: FKM UI)
2. Thailand

Thailand implemented a health warning pictures on cigarette packs shaped end of March 2005, one year after the rule of law. With an area of ​​an image 50 percent of the width of the surface of the front and back of cigarette packs that placement on the top, Thailand 6 types of image sets, each of which will be used on every tobacco product variants.

Thailand periodically change the picture. Replacement first performed in 2007 by adding pictures and drawings to 9 in 2010 to 10 images, and increase the proportion to 55% -55% each on the front and back surface of cigarette packs.

(Photo: FKM UI)
3. Brunei Darussalam

Minister of Health of Brunei Darussalam announced that Memorial Healthcare Regulatory shaped Cigarette Packaging Pictures of the year 2007 came into effect from December 1, 2008. Imported cigarettes are given a grace period of 7 months before that date to adjust its product packaging, not least of Indonesian products exported to Brunei.

As of September 2012, the broad picture on the cigarette packs to 75 percent, six months after the issuance of regulations.

(Photo: FKM UI)

4. Malaysia

Right January 1, 2009, the Malaysian government imposed health warnings on cigarette packs shaped image after the Minister of Health Malaysia on May 31, 2008 announced this neighbor country will immediately apply these rules.

Malaysia to apply six types of images in each round to be replaced periodically every 24 months.

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