Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

How Much Do You Know About Caffeine

Caffeine is a substance that is safe; been enjoyed by consumers for over 100 years.

Caffeine may be known as a stimulant in coffee you drink in the morning, can be found in various foods including tea leaves, coffee beans and cocoa beans (which you use to make chocolate). Caffeine has been used for centuries and can also be made ​​by humans.

In general, the caffeine content in soft drinks is much lower than the caffeine found in coffee makers in the same serving size.

Consumption of caffeine in moderate amounts for adults (300 mg / day or approximately equal to two or three cups of coffee or five to six cans of caffeinated soda) has not been linked to negative health effects. But until now there are many wrong ideas about the effects of caffeine on the body, although caffeine is one of the nutrients most studied in the world.

Here are answers to some common concerns about caffeine:
  • All drinks are a source of hydration, including beverages containing caffeine. In this issue of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 2004 explained that the diuretic effect of caffeine only (increased spending urine) were mild and short-term only for those who are not used to eating them. However, studies show that this has no effect for people who have enjoyed caffeine regularly.
  • Caffeinated beverages do not make weak bones or cause osteoporosis. For over fifteen years, a series of scientific organizations and patient advocacy organizations, including the International Food Information Council in the review in the year 2008 "Caffeine & Health: Clarifying the Controversies" concluded that the caffeine in soft drinks do not have any negative effects on healthy individuals as far as intake sufficient calcium.
  • In most people, caffeine does not cause a burning sensation or pain in the gut. Based on the results of a study conducted in 2010 to today's literature on the effects of both caffeinated carbonated drink or not to disease acid reflux into the esophagus, there is no direct evidence that carbonated beverages trigger or exacerbate this condition.
For those of you who choose to avoid caffeine, there are many products that offer drink caffeine-free version.

Did you know?
Caffeine adds slightly bitter taste and complement calorie sweeteners, low-or no-calorie sweetener to provide taste delicious in many drinks. Many people experience unpleasant effects after consuming caffeine in high enough amounts, including increases in:

    -  vigilance
    -  cognitive performance
    -  Durability and improved performance in a number of physical activities
    -  mood
    -  Reaction speed and visual and auditory alertness.

Source:  beverageinstitute

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