Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Accepting Donor Lungs of Smokers, This Beautiful Women Died Because Cancer

Jennifer Wederell (Photo: Telegraph)

London, A beautiful woman in Britain to undergo lung transplant to treat chronic diseases. Instead of healthy as usual, she is actually affected by lung cancer. Investigate a calibaration turns her new lungs from a heavy smoker.

Jennifer Wederell died at a young age, 27 years. Since 2 years old, he was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a hereditary disease that makes the lungs and digestive system clogged by mucus.

In 2007, Jennifer met her future husband, David Wederell. When engaged in 2009, Jennifer health deteriorated to the point that marriage should be postponed until Jennifer could get a lung transplant.

After waiting for 18 months, exactly in April 2011, Jennifer was told that there was a ready lungs transplanted. Under the new rules, doctors are required to tell the patient whether his new lungs at high risk of triggering cancer.

But Jennifer admitted by the old rules do not require doctors to inform risk transplant patients. The doctor also told me that his new lungs came from a person accustomed to heavy smokers who smoked 20 cigarettes a day.

"Supposedly when the doctor says" The donor was a smoker so there is a higher risk of malignancy. Would you like to continue or not? 'They did not mention it. If they do, he will reject the transplant, "said David as reported by Medical Daily, Wednesday (12/19/2012).

Jennifer lived a successful transplant and he was married the next few months. But the happiness did not last long because Jennifer was diagnosed with lung cancer a few months after marriage.

Its heartbreaking, doctors say that Jennifer may only last a few weeks. But apparently Jennifer desire to survive is strong enough and can last for half a year. Finally, he died at home on August 24, 2012.

Services specialist heart and lung biggest UK deal Jenifer, The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust released a statement on Friday (14/12/2012) and which contains an expression of condolence to the family of Jennifer.

"Very rarely patients can determine if they want to consider get healthy lungs clinically than the lungs of smokers, but we realized that Jennifer should be given the opportunity to make this choice. We have sincerely apologized and insisted that we sympathize with the family , "a spokesman for the Royal Brompton and Harefield The NHS Foundation Trust.

However, The Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust is argued that the number of lungs available for transplantation will decrease 40 percent if there is a policy of rejecting the lungs of smokers. Waiting list of patients will increase and there will be a lot of patients who died.

Now, the family of Jennifer actively raising campaign to encourage people who are not smokers want to register as organ donors. Determination family is getting round after seeing statistics show that 4 out of 10 lung transplants used in the UK comes from smokers.

Source:  Medical Daily

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