Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

These Ways Can Make Breasts Bigger

Photo: Illustration / Thinkstock

Medical science is growing makes a lot of choices for women who want to beautify themselves, including enlarging breasts sexy organ. You want to use what means? It's her choice.

Dr. Budiman, SpBP, of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of Indonesia (Trouser) explained that there are several methods of breast augmentation surgery commonly performed by plastic surgeons in Indonesia, namely:

1. Breast implants

This method is most often done for the most effective, efficient, with more instant results, as well as more secure with very minimal side effects.

2. Fill it with muscle, in the case of reconstruction. There are two options, namely:

a. With the latissimus dorsi muscle
Usually on one side of the breast reconstruction measures after the removal of a tumor, in which the skin is intact, but the patient loses mass or mound payudarnya.

The surgery lasted longer, the breast mound is limited depending on the thickness of the muscle defect and leave incision in the back of a relatively lengthy.

b. With the rectus abdominis muscle (TRAMFLAP)
That was the case after the removal of the breast where the tumor following breast masses join removed skin, thus a mass and skin substitutes.

In this technique used in the lower abdominal skin excess, the rectus abdominis muscle as a source of bleeding and mass replacement.

This action left a defect such as lines transverse incision scar Saesaria Section in the abdomen.

3. With the technique of stem cell

This technique is a method that is new in the world of tissue engineering, by extracting fat from the patient's body which is then processed and mixed with a certain material, so as to obtain the stem cells to be implanted into the mammary gland.

Stem cell is a cell plury potent, meaning that young cells that can grow into any cell depends on the environment in which it is located.

These cells when placed in the breast as the new environment can change and evolve into a new breast glands.

However, this technique is less popular and not instant, because patients must wait for the growth of breast stem cells into new, and relatively difficult to predict how big the new breasts will be formed, and is still in debate about the process when he would stop growing so new breast is not growing great for long term follow up. His case was not much.

"The method most preferred is the use of breast implants, because the most effective, efficient, with more instant results, as well as more secure with very minimal side effects," said Dr. Budiman.

What is breast implants? It is a bag-shaped or Conus, such as breast glands in it, filled with a fluid such as saline or a silicone gel, where the ingredients are guaranteed to stay in the pocket (not spread anywhere where), so large and forms pockets remain.

The bags will then be inserted implant behind the breast so that the breast size and shape to match the desired through a small incision along the 3.5 to 4 cm in secret.

About 1.5-2 hours of operating time. Process more comfortable and safer operation with general anesthesia in a hospital that has a guaranteed standard of safety and sterility.

One advantage is its use of implants if desired refersible so patients can ask doctors to remove the implants are intact or replace it with a larger or smaller.

"This is different from the case of victims of injection of liquid silicone, in which liquid silicone can not be removed because it was mixed with the surrounding tissue and the shape was not fixed," concludes Dr. Budiman.

Source:  Journal of Health Seconds

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