Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Give vitamin D that enough in babies so her teeth healthy until adult

(Photo: Thinkstock)
Vitamin D is a vitamin that is cheap and you can get anywhere just by exposure to sunlight. But now many people are deficient in vitamin D, but the lack of vitamin D from infancy associated with the risk of tooth decay in adulthood.

Nowadays more and more people are deficient in vitamin D than people who can meet their need. This is because the use of sunscreen reduces the amount of UV light that penetrates the skin and helps in the synthesis of vitamin D naturally, although it is better to prevent skin cancer.

The second reason is the lack of exposure to sunlight due to work, school, or other activities that are mostly done in the room. In addition, a person may consume less foods containing vitamin D, as well as the condition of obesity that causes the body to produce the amount of vitamin D difficulty sufficient.

American Medical Association and the U.S. National Research Council in 1950, the first time stated that vitamin D is essential to protect teeth from decay or dental caries. However, there is not enough evidence at the time to make a statement.

Dr. Philippe Hujoel of the University of Washington decided then review the statement to re-do the study on vitamin D needs related to dental health. The research team led by Dr. Hujoel analyzed 24 studies conducted between 1920 and 1980 involving 3000 children aged 2 to 16 years from various countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Austria, New Zealand and Sweden.

Most of the studies involved children who had been given vitamin D supplements such as cod liver oil, or high and low estimate child's exposure to sunlight. These experiments showed that the intake of vitamin D have been associated with reduced risk of tooth decay by up to 50 percent.

"The need for vitamin D must be met to maintain healthy pregnancy since the fetus and the mineralization of bones and teeth would be better. However levels of vitamin D should also be adjusted based on age, as too much vitamin D can clog blood vessels," says Hujoel.

According to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D intake is appropriate for each age group are as follows:

-  Age 0 to 12 months require as much as 400 IU of vitamin D
-  Ages 1 to 70 years old need 600 IU vitamin D
-  Age over 70 years old need 800 IU of vitamin D

The best natural sources of vitamin D are fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, swordfish, and sardines. Beverages such as milk and yogurt are fortified with vitamin D. A formula approved by the health agency generally also contain vitamin D as much as 40 to 100 IU per 100 calories of formula.

You can get vitamin D naturally from sunlight. Researchers suggest that adults and children take 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure between the hours of 10:00 to 15:00 on the face, arms, legs or back without sunscreen protection at least twice a week.

The results of research on the link between vitamin D and risk compliance of dental caries in children was published online in the journal Nutrition Reviews on November 9, as quoted from EmaxHealth, Sunday (12/02/2012).

Source:  EmaxHealth

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