Senin, 31 Desember 2012

Patient suffer cancer, survived and successfully live blessing donor liver from a cow

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)
Liver cancer is often a terrible scourge because newly detected when the disease is chronic. At that time, most of the liver is damaged and almost beyond repair. If human suffer liver cancer can not be cured, the cow liver turned out to can be a substitute.

Treatment using cow's liver is actually still new and new several times applied to humans. A British woman is one who underwent successful treatment and his life saved. This success opens the possibility of organ transplants from animals or xenotransplantation.

Initially Michelle Morgan-Grainger (42 years) often experience pain in his side. Symptoms are similar to muscle spasm and doctors suspected she had gallstones. But the results of the examination found no cancer the size of 15 cm. Fortunately, cancer cells do not spread to other parts of the body. Doctors advised to undergo surgery.

Once referred to a specialist liver center at Aintree University Hospital, a woman from Liverpool's offered to undergo treatment using cow liver. Michelle also capable. After undergoing surgery for 10 hours, 80 percent of liver Michelle discarded. Even 75 percent of the Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) in the liver were also removed.

The veins are located near the liver the back and works to restore the blood from the lower body back to the heart. IVC blood vessel is then reconstructed with a patch or patches made ​​from the outer layer of the cow liver called the pericardium. Three months later, Michelle is back to work and be free of cancer 18 months.

"This is a lengthy procedure, complex and only offered in a few places in the world. Trisectionectomy operation is called a heart," said Hassan Malik, a consultant surgeon at Aintree University Hospitals hepatobilier as reported by the Daily Mail, Monday (12/31/2012).

According to Malik, there are only 5 places in Europe experienced such a procedure. To date there are approximately 150 patients worldwide have been treated using this method. Patch of cows is more widely used in cardiac surgery. In liver disease, there were 6 cases were treated using this method, 4 of which were performed by Dr. Malik.

Liver is the only organ in the body that have the ability to regenerate. Over the past 3 months, the remaining pieces of liver grows back to its original size. But doctors have to create the structure of blood vessels IVC. Liver of cow serves as a wall that gives your liver growth and blood vessel cells damaged.

That makes Michelle's heart surgery in case special is the use of materials of cow IVC and the large blood vessels that must be discarded. Typically, for these operations often use synthetic plastic material. But the risks can lead to infection and raises blood clots after surgery.

"With cow material, the risks can be reduced drastically. Patients avoid of the need the use a blood thinning drug of long-term that has side effects. Material cow have gone through a chemical process to eliminate the risk of infection, it means we can almost get the IVC without having to take another human vascular , "said Dr. Malik.

Material from cow has the same thickness, flexible and easy to cut to shape and sewn. While synthetic materials tend to be more rigid. In addition, material from cow will grow become part of body the patient and durable.

Source:  Daily Mail

Mistakes That Often Done ​​in the Restaurant and Make Fat

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Occasionally eating out will not make you gain weight. But the weight loss diet you undertake will not be successful if you repeatedly make mistakes in ordering food at a restaurant.

Here are 5 mistakes that you often do when eating at a restaurant that can make you fat, as reported by huffingtonpost, Monday (12/31/2012), among others:

1. Taking too much mayonnaise sauce
Mayonnaise sauce often served with salad or pasta that can taste delicious food. But mayonnaise sauce containing high fat and calories that is one reason why eating in a restaurant can make you gain weight. Instead of using mayonnaise sauce,choose topping food that more healthy such as olive oil.

2. Ordering food served in a large plate
Usually elite eateries serving great food in a plate and a portion of the lot to satisfy customers. Things to make you fat is when you have quite full but feel pity for leaving food delicious and expensive.

3. Origin message food, without regard to calories
You need to be more selective in choosing the food menu at the restaurant, because some food is sometimes served with ingredients such as cream or butter-fat and high-calorie. It is better if you ask the waiter about the composition of foods listed in the menu to calculate the number of calories.

4. Seduced with a salad toppings which various flavors
The vegetables were steamed very good for health because of its high fiber and antioxidant substances. However, when the vegetables are presented in the form of salad cream topping and coupled with the diverse flavors, health benefits of vegetables will be lost because losing with fat and sugar contained in the cream.

5. Easily tempted with dessert display
Dessert at a restaurant is usually a sweet pastry served with a gorgeous and seductive. But the cookies contain too much sugar and high-calorie diet that can frustrate you. Limit yourself that are not easily seduced with desserts look and think back before reached.

Source:  Huffingtonpost

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Consider these 5 things, so that women avoid from cervical cancer

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is often known as is one type of cancer is difficult to detect because it does not show symptoms in the early stages. You need to consider several things to prevent and reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

Most cases of cervical cancer is usually found when the condition was quite severe. When cervical cancer has progressed, the body will give signs such as unusual bleeding or bleeding after sex and an abnormal discharge from the vagina.

There are several ways to prevent the development of cervical cancer and reduce the risk of cervical cancer, as reported by onlymyhealth, Monday (12/31/2012), among others:

1. HPV immunization
HPV immunization can prevent the risk of HPV in women. Gardasil HPV Vaccination as approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommended for young girls before sexually active.

2. Safe sex
Doing a safe sex is one of the basic things that must be followed in order to prevent a woman from cervical cancer. It can keep you from sexually transmitted diseases such as human papillomavirus (HPV).

Cervical cancer can be caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which most people do not realize that he had been infected. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has more than 40 subtypes and affects male and female genitals or the surrounding area. Infection can also cause genital warts.

3. Not mutually sex partners
Women who have many sexual partners are at a higher risk of cervical cancer. Mutually sexual partners may also increase the risk of developing HPV.

4. Doing regularly pap tests
Cervical cancer can be identified early by routine Pap tests, to see if there are changes in the cells of the cervix that might be due to the growth of cancer cells. You can start to do a pap test at age 30 years and routinely every year in women over the age of 65 years.

5. Stop smoking
Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of some cancers, including cervical cancer. Women who smoke or exposure to secondhand smoke have a greater likelihood of developing cervical dysplasia than other women to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke.

Source:  Onlymyhealth

The Content and Benefits of Young Coconut Water for Health

The Content and Benefits of Young Coconut Water for Health

Do you include people who like fruit - tropical fruit? probably one of the coconuts? indeed since the first we know that fruits are very good for our bodies. Due to the content of vitamins, minerals and fiber from the fruit itself. Also included with the coconuts and of course you also do not be surprised if it contains a lot of coconuts benefits and efficacy. But before I lay out the benefits, let us consider the coconut fruits itself.

Coconut (Cocos nucifera), including species of palm that has a fairly large sized fruit. Trunks of palm trees stand tall and usually unbranched, and can reach 10-14 feet. Leaf midrib, to a length of 3-4 meters with fins that stick blade prop each. The fruit is covered with fibers and shells are strong enough to get the coconuts must be skinned first. Coconut that is big and fertile can generate 2-10 coconuts each stem, Quoted from various sources.

Content of Young Coconut Water

In general, coconut water contains 4.7 percent total solids, 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, 0.74 percent fat and 0.46 percent minerals. Nutrient composition of such a good cause coconut water can be used as a medium for microbial growth, such as: Acetobacter xylinum for the production of nata de coco.

Benefits and efficacy of Young Coconut Water for Health:

   -  With drinking coconut water regularly will treat dengue fever. Can also be drunk with add a lemon juice.

   -  Eliminate feelings of fatigue and lethargy. Drink it with a little sugar and ice in order to feel more refreshed.
   -  Able to treat intestinal worms in children. Add a little lemon juice in a glass of coconut water. Drink up to 3 times a day.
   -  Overcoming difficult urination and frequent urination. Because coconut water is able to clean the urinary tract.
   -  Can eradicate worms in the intestine. Drink coconut water regularly 3x a day with plus 1 teaspoon olive oil.
   -  People who are pregnant and need a lot of fluids. Young coconut water is very good if consumed.
   -  Able to treat people who are intoxicated caused by a consuming drugs or pills Certain.
   -  Young coconut water contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal similar to breast milk.
   -  Maintain digestive function in the body.
   -  To overcome the nausea and vomiting.
   -  Trust able to break up kidney stones. People who suffer from kidney disease should consume coconut water in addition to a prescription from a doctor. Coconut water will soften the crust or mucus that forms in the kidney.
   -  Young coconut water is an isotonic fluid. Actually many major beverage made ​​from young coconut water good for fitness.

however, it is not only water that has a lot of benefits, coconut meat also has many benefits as well. Here's the content and benefits of coconut meat.

The Content of Coconut

Old coconut fruits containing high calories, amounting to 359 cal per 100 grams; older half coconut meat contains calories 180 cal per 100 grams and young coconut meat calories by 68 cal per 100 grams. Being an average calorific value contained in coconut water around 17 calories per 100 grams. Green coconut water, compared with other types of oil contains a lot of tannin or antidotes (anti-venom) the highest. Other chemical substances that stands out in the form of an enzyme that can break down toxic properties. The composition of the chemicals contained in coconut water include ascorbic acid or vitamin C, protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium or potassium. The minerals contained in coconut water is iron, phosphorus and sugar consisting of glucose, fructose and sucrose. The water content contained in 95.5 grams of coconuts number of every 100 grams.

Efficacy and Benefits of Coconut

   -  Overcoming Poisoning
   -  Heat in
   -  Fever
   -  Scarlet fever
   -  Morbilli
   -  Influenza
   -  Urinary stones
   -  Pain during menstruation
   -  Pinworms
   -  Toothache
   -  Overcoming Dandruff

How? interesting is not it, about discussion of coconuts this time, in fact we unknowingly turns a lot of the things that we take for granted are actually extraordinary. Yes one of them coconuts that we discussed this time. Actually, nature already provides many benefits for us, so we should always keep our nature. For the sake of the preservation of flora and fauna. And palm trees as well of course.

(various source)

Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012

Sex research most 'Hot' in 2012

(Photo: thinkstock)

Just like eating and drinking, sex is also a basic human need. During the year 2012, research on sex continues to be done to explore the issues related to these fun activities. These studies are considered the most sex 'hot' in 2012.

There is rarely a boring of sex research, because there are always new things are interesting to note. But some of the following research is considered the most 'hot' during the year 2012, as reported by Menshealth, Saturday (29/12/2012):

1. Lubrication condom is the secret weapon of a man

Men who adds extra lubrication on condoms during sexual intercourse tend to last longer in the 'sheath', according to a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

Why this way can increase men's stamina is not 100 percent clear, but the study author Debby Herbenick, Ph.D., says that women have also reported sex becomes more enjoyable and satisfying when using lubricants during sex.

2. Women sexual satisfaction increases with increasing age

The big news for married men everywhere. The study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that a woman's sexual satisfaction increases with age.

In this study, researchers interviewed 800 women aged over 40 years of sexual activity, desire and sexual satisfaction. As a result, not only to be more satisfied with their sex lives, nearly 70 percent of women reach orgasm consistently.

3. Foreplay is Not Just for Women

Based on recent studies that have been published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, shows that men who do not often engage in foreplay to stimulate her partner, had twice the risk of experiencing erectile problems.

In this study, researchers surveyed 1352 people and ask them how much foreplay activities such as kissing, hugging, and petting. Researchers also asked whether they had problems reaching climax, maintaining an erection, or sex drive.

Apparently, both women and men have problems when there is a lack of activity gives stimulus.

4. Walnuts can strengthen 'The swimmer' sperm

Eating 75 grams or about a handful of walnuts every day can improve a man's sperm quality, according to a report in the journal Biology of Reproduction.

Researchers monitored 117 healthy men, divided into two groups, one of which fed a diet walnuts. After 3 months, the men who ate walnuts had improvement in sperm shape and movement and vitality 'swimmer' them.

The secret is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is a source of omega-3 natural vegetation contained in walnuts. These are what help to give an extra boost to the male sperm.

5. Sex Toy not a rival Male

Fear aka sex toys sex toy will seize this position you have sex? The man did not seem to have considered a sex toy as a rival, because most women say using a vibrator does not make dependency, according to new research from Indiana University.

Source:  Menshealth

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Supplements are Right For You

Supplements  For You
Not all supplements are appropriate for you and not all the right supplements can help you. With a wide range of different purposes, you need to consider whether the supplement for you is the same as your friends who have different goals. Therefore we give this article to help you choose the best.

Tired of Premature
Tired of Premature In Training

Have you ever training in the gym in one or two exercises and then you feel exhausted? You may then find the next generation has begun to diminish. Fatigue at the beginning of the exercise would be very unpleasant and demoralizing because instead of finishing the exercise, your body instead chose to relax.

The first thing you should look for in this issue is whether the training program you are doing is correct. If you exercise too much or doing exercises with high volume then it could be a problem.

But if it not the problem, then you need to think about supplementation. A key molecule involved in producing muscle contraction as long as you do lift weights is creatine phosphate. These are molecules that help formulate high-energy compounds, ATP, which is used as a source of energy for every lifting weights that you do.

When the body no longer has a need for creatine phosphate to synthesize ATP, that's when you're having trouble and fatigue appeared to continue the exerciseYou will usually be able to get creatine from ordinary food, but if you do the exercises, it will be enough to give you energy. By adding a creatine supplement then it means you deliver additional supplies in the muscle and when you are in the gym, have a lot of ammo available.

muscle stiff
Muscle stiff sustainable

Actually, it is normal if you feel a little stiff after a workout at the gym (note: stiff, is not sick), especially after you have made a new type of exercise or a new pattern. But if you continue to feel sore or feel days to affect your training then it is time to look for the problem because it will affect the development of your body.

Make sure you are stretching at least 10 minutes before exercise and warm up with a treadmill or light weight training. But if it continues and feels stiff then you need to look at the supplements that you are taking.

Glutamine is one kind of protein or amino acids that are important for the body even though non-essential (that can be obtained from foods such as meat). The exercises you do will surely need a lot of glutamine and usually these nutrients are depleted first during practice. Glutamine deficiency means you may experience fatigue because no replacement muscle rupture.

In general, if you consume whey protein, glutamine then included. But, again, if it still feels stiff in the long term it is a special supplement glutamine will help you to reduce fatigue and accelerate muscle formation.

Lack of Energy
Lack of Energy

Maybe you feel the body is tired after a long day and not strong enough to do the exercises. This is a common thing in an increasingly busy either at work, or still a student. If you are too tired, then the best solution is to rest and do not practice it. But if this continues even when you are not too busy, then you need to do something about it.

Try using caffeine supplements to boost energy quickly. Without you realize most people have been using this supplement (or caffeine in the form of coffee) to reduce drowsiness and more energized at work. But for those who are obese, of course, would be highly advisable to use a coffee with sugar and cream because it could interfere with the diet.

In addition, some types of supplements such as taurine can also increase your energy during practice.

Taste Hungry is Uncontrolled

For those of you who are in the process of weight loss, hunger is often continuously emerge and interfere with your diet and can even destroy because without knowing the end you take a snack and continue to eat it up. Hunger does need to be addressed with a meal, but if the hunger shown continuously over limit your diet it needs some special tricks to overcome them.

By naturally, you can change your entire eating high-fiber foods such as fresh vegetables. Thus, carbohydrate intake will be longer in the digestive tract so that hunger can be reduced.

But if you are still hungry, then you need to use supplements is Hoodia. In South Africa, Hoodia is used by local hunters to help overcome hunger to appear so they can last longer on a long journey.

Of course, this supplement is not used to make you do not eat all day, but still pay attention to the calories that you need so that you can keep a healthy diet.

Source:  Study from the journal (I fit) 

7 Trends in Healthcare in 2012

Illustration (dok: Thinkstock)

Not only clothes, shoes, and handbags are becoming a trend. In the medical world, many things are also becoming a trend. One example is aerobic. Aerobic past trends and do so many people, but not anymore. Well, all the 2012 trends what is happening in the world of health?

Here are seven health trends in 2012, as quoted from boldsky, Friday (28/12/2012):

1. Superfood

Many people who want to eat a superfood because this label makes a lot of people think the food is healthier than regular food. Some of Superfood is the famous peppers, berries, and oats.

2. Menstrual Blood Stem Cells

It was found that menstrual blood is rich in stem cells (stem cells) that have the potential to treat a variety of diseases. Extraction of the blood is used to save millions of lives, especially those with cancer. Model and actor Lisa Ray with cancer spinal cord using this procedure.

3. The combination of Pilates and Yoga

Pilates is an exercise particular to the trend a few years ago, but is now re-tune. The difference is that many rely on training the abdominal muscles is now combined with yoga.

4. Organic Food

Organic food has indeed emerged in the community for some time. But in 2012, fans of organic food seems more and more alone. Because more and more fans, it's no wonder more and more organic farms were opened and managed.

5. Movement Awareness of Breast Cancer

During October 2012 has been celebrated as World Breast Cancer Awareness month. Socialization prevention and early detection of breast cancer is intensively conducted. Because breast cancer is the number one killer disease among women.

6. Walking Without Footwear 

Closer to the Earth where we live is believed to improve health. Since time immemorial have heard that walking without footwear is healthier. Well, it is now widely practiced people.

The earth is a huge magnetic field. Therefore, according to the ancient philosophy, walking on the ground without footwear would make humans able to absorb the flow of energy.

7. Emerald Green Diet

This diet is not just any eat green vegetables. This diet includes foods that come from the bottom of the sea such as various types of seaweed. Included also in this diet is vegetable roots like rutabagas and turnips.

Source:  boldsky

Can low carb diets cause headaches? yes and other problems

It is a common complaint “Can low carb diets cause headaches? In fact many on low carbs will experience dizziness,hair loss and more. What is the reason for this and is this the right path for losing weight. We will answer this question in this post. Dieting has lead to much confusion in the Western world as obesity is rising in the United States and Europe. Can low carb diets cause headaches was a question we received from one of our many readers.

Why would anyone want to stop a carbohydrate?

Carbohydrates are the fuel of all cell fuels. It is the standard staple food for human beings since the beginning of time. Wonderful corn, grain, and potatoes have been a blessing to human beings but that has all changed do to bad science. Bad science has been telling people that carbohydrates are bad. We see it everywhere, people are afraid of the very food that has helped human beings since the beginning of time. The reason for this is because of a man call Dr. Robert Atkins, his Atkins diet has created a carbs is bad culture. He used bad science to convince people that eliminating or lowering carbs will cause weight loss. What this kind of dieting does is to rob the body. Can low carb diets cause headaches? Yes it does and the diets have also been causing hair loss,dizziness, confusion(loss of mental clarity)

Crack cocaine also causes weight loss but you would not smoke it would you. The point is you would harm your body because crack cocaine will affect your cells. 

A carbohydrate does an incredible number of thing in the body, without carbs you will not have energy for your brain cells to function, this is why so many on low carbs have low energy. In addition, lowering carbohydrates cause a temporary loss of weight BUT the weight is not healthy weight loss. The news gets worst

A Swedish study this year showed that lowering carbohydrates raised the risk for heart disease and stroke

"Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets, used on a regular basis and without consideration of the nature of carbohydrates or the source of proteins, are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease," the authors conclude

In addition

Anna Floegel from the German Institute of Human Nutrition and Tobias Pischon from the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Germany, say that the discrepancy between conclusions from different types of studies in this field “need to be resolved before low carbohydrate-high protein diets can be safely recommended to patients."

Low carbohydrates is another short cut fad that will cost you more in the end, why not use common sense and lose weight the right way, when you heal the body of processed food damage and the weight falls off.
Stimulate your body to release healthy insulin like healthy young people and stay thin.

An insulin resistance diet reverses the damage from food chemicals and caused more weight loss than low carbohydrates, without headaches or hunger pangs, created for the diabetics the diet is now used by those without diabetes to low weight in over 17 countries See here Insulin resistance diet causes fastest weight loss

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Influenza does not heal? treat only with chicken soup

(Photo: thinkstock)

In the rainy season, everyone could be susceptible to colds and flu. But not everyone is so worried about this because usually when the flu overdo attacked, they live eating chicken soup has long been believed to relieve the flu.

Recently, a new study has also revealed the secret behind the efficacy of chicken soup to ease cold symptoms. According to a study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics, the chicken soup contains a compound called carnosine which helps the immune system to fight the flu in the early stages.

Yet, researchers caution that these benefits will end when the soup was excreted or removed from the body so you need to have an adequate supply of chicken soup.

Another study of Miami also showed that chicken soup contains more than a placebo effect. To prove it, researchers observed the flow of air and mucus in the nose of the 15 study participants were asked to drink cold water, hot water or chicken soup. As a result, hot water shown to help improve the movement of mucus in the nose, including clearing the airways and relieve nasal congestion.

Yet, the chicken soup provide benefits more than hot water because chicken soup increases the protection function of cilia or tiny hairs in the nose that are there to prevent germs enter the body.

Similarly, a team of researchers from the University of Nebraska found that the combination of vegetables and chicken in the soup also helps reduce inflammation of the airways that cause nasal congestion.

Researchers also suspect, in addition to the compound carnosine in chicken soup, there is also a combination of other compounds that increase the efficacy of these foods are organosulfida (naturally found in garlic and onions) and vitamin D were shown to stimulate the production of immune cells called macrophages. There is also the effect of vitamin C on high and low number of neutrophils fan other immune compounds that interferon.

So also with vitamin A and carotenoids are abundant in carrots and helps produce antibodies. Not including vitamin E and zinc can affect the concentration of one type of white blood cells ie lymphocytes in patients with influenza who eat chicken soup.

Just as quoted by the Daily Mail, Friday (28/12/2012), some experts also revealed another reason why this soup is recommended that due to the nutritional content is more easily absorbed than when nutrients were obtained from solid foodstuffs.

Source:  Daily Mail

This Causes up and down Blood Sugar Levels

(Photo: thinkstock)

The instability of blood sugar levels can lead to diabetes mellitus. So it is important for you to know the factors that influence blood sugar fluctuations to prevent the possibility of the worst.

Some of the following circumstances responsible for the fluctuations in blood sugar, as reported onlymyhealth, Friday (12/28/2012), among others:

1. Eating sugary foods
When a person is eating too many foods that contain too much sugar, the body will produce more insulin to process sugar. This can cause more cell membrane that opens to the absorption of glucose into cells.

So that glucose will be absorbed into the cells and automatically affect the concentration of glucose in the blood drops to cause a spike in blood sugar.

2. Insulin resistance
People who experience insulin resistance, few cell membrane that opens and is unable to detect insulin. Thus, glucose and insulin in the blood will remain intact while some cells will lack the glucose intake.

3. Disorders of the pancreas
Pancreatic cells function to release insulin in the blood but the cells can be weakened if the amount of insulin produced excessive, such as eating too many sweets.

When pancreatic cells fatigue, the cells are unable to produce insulin needed to process glucose, even though the normal level. This is what causes blood sugar imbalances.

To avoid the danger of diabetes because of unstable blood sugar, you need to measure blood sugar levels with a glucose meter. Test your blood sugar before a meal and a few hours after eating.

Foods containing complex carbohydrates are absorbed slowly in the cell. So you need to test blood glucose 3-4 hours after eating a high carbohydrate diet to assess their impact. It can tell you that the food you have just eaten can affect blood sugar levels or not. So you will be more selective in choosing food.

You may also need to reduce the size of the portion of food to prevent obesity. Obesity is also one factor that can increase the risk of diabetes.

Source:  onlymyhealth

This Mistake that is done when running

(Photo: thinkstock)

Running can be a cheap one sport that does not require much equipment. But unfortunately, some people sometimes make mistakes while running. What is it?

Sometimes it is difficult for a person to determine whether the way he ran it right or not, because he could not see himself. Even so, there are some common mistakes people do when running.

Here are his mistakes, as quoted from Timesofindia, Friday (28/12/2012), namely:

1. Pattern ran which asymmetric
This condition makes a person puts more pressure on one side of the body than others. Listen to your walk, because the sound can tell someone how to walk. If this continues, it can cause pain.

2. Knees do not get the right support
Many people often have problems with his knee when walking, this causes a weak gluteus muscles. When walking and running, the knee must remain in line with the hips.

However, if the hip muscles are weak and do not support the weight, the body burden of this will go to the knee and caused him to slouch into. To fix this exercise needs to be done to build the posterior gluteus medius and gluteus maximus.

3. Excessive in swinging arm
Excessive swinging arm or wild can cause back pain, since the long-term movement is contributing to the pressure on the back. Even stepping too wide can cause excessive rotation at the hip and spine.

4. Using a Shoe that is not Right
Using the wrong size shoes not only causes discomfort, but can also affect the spine, hips and knees. For that use the right size shoe, and better if you wear special shoes to run.

Source:  Timesofindia

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Ouch, 1 in 5 People Fail to Stop Smoking in 24 Hours

(Photo: thinkstock)

For a smoker, trying to quit the habit is certainly not easy. But the survey found 1 in 5 people fail to quit smoking in just 24 hours.

A survey found nearly 1 in 5 people who have tried to quit smoking fail within the next 24 hours and more than half could only lasts less than 1 week.

Based on the poll which involves of 6200 current or former smokers, the average smoker's ever tried to quit 4 times and had one failed when tried 10 times.

However, despite repeated failures, about 45 percent still had the thought to give up and return to smoking every day. Thus quoted from Indiavision, Thursday (12/27/2012).

In a campaign on behalf of Pfizer 'Do not Go Cold Turkey' aims to encourage smokers to want to talk to health workers on how to plan to quit smoking. Know when there is a push that appears then someone will do everything possible to avoid relapse. Every time someone managed to resist the desire, then he is one step closer to stop smoking.

Various ways can be done to stop this habit is like trying to tell myself to slow down or delay when there is the urge to smoke, and do not ever allow yourself to smoke even one cigarette.

In addition there are some people who try to avoid the triggers that urge to smoke does not appear, it is usually to distract it with other activities such as walking, jogging, cleaning the house or attend other activities.

Source:  Indiavision

11 Positive Effect on the Love Hormone in Humans

(Photo: thinkstock)

The oxytocin is produced by a structure in the brain called the hypothalamus. These hormones affect human behavior and generated a lot when you're falling in love. Apparently, the benefits and the effect is not only making a human child romantic couple.

Oxytocin creates a feeling of calm and made ​​the couple who were hit by a more intimate affair. The study found that hormones released during labor involved and the nursing infant. Several recent studies were mainly focused on exploring the effects of oxytocin in the body.

As quoted from MyHealthNewsDaily, Thursday (12/27/2012), here are the various effects of the hormone of love for humans:

1. Makes people so generous
A 2007 study published the journal Public Library of Science ONE find this conclusion. In the study, participants were asked to breathe through the nose oxytocin or placebo and then asked to divide the money owned by foreigners. Oxytocin inhaler turns out 80 percent more generous. Presumably, these hormones affect the attitude of altruism.

2. Make sleep easy
Oxytocin is released in the brain when a state of mind free from stress, so naturally make people so easy to sleep, according to a 2003 study published the journal Regulatory Peptides. Oxytocin counteracting the effects of the stress hormone, cortisol. The effect is to make the mind calm down.

3. Triggering instinct to protect
A study published the journal Science confirmed that oxytocin triggers protective attitude towards their loved ones from external attacks or familiarly known as solidarity. Previous studies in animals also suggest that this hormone supports protectionist behavior.

4. Improving social skills
A study published the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that inhaling oxytocin can improve social interactions in people with autism. Previous studies have found that people with autism have low levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin also reduces the fear of people with autism.

5. Inhibiting drug addiction
According to a research report published in 1999 the journal Progress in Brain Research, several studies have shown that oxytocin inhibits tolerance to addictive drugs, including opium, cocaine and alcohol, as well as reduce symptoms sakau.

6. Increase sexual arousal
A number of brain chemicals released during orgasm humans, including oxytocin. These chemicals can strengthen the bonds between sexual partners. Mice whose brains were injected with oxytocin erections spontaneously, according to a 2001 study published the journal Physiological Review.

7. Supports childbirth and breastfeeding
Oxytocin is released in large amounts during labor, thus triggering uterine contractions that open the cervix and allow a baby through the birth canal. Since the early 1900s, the doctor uses a synthetic oxytocin, also known by the brand name Pitocin to help labor.

After childbirth, hormones continue to stimulate uterine contractions to prevent bleeding and many more will be issued when the nipples are stimulated while nursing a baby.

8. Strengthen emotional memories
A study published the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences supports the theory that oxytocin strengthens childhood memories of the men about her. In the trial against 31 people, researchers found that people who inhale oxytocin synthetic increasingly strong recall fond memories of his mother, as long as reasonably good relationship with the mother.

9. Relieve stress
A study conducted in prairie voles found that rats separated from his brother to show signs of anxiety, stress and depression. However, these symptoms subside after being injected with oxytocin. The study, presented at the Society for Neuroscience in 2007 shows the effect of these hormones to counteract stress.

10. strengthen relationships
Researchers compared levels of oxytocin and a related hormone called vasopressin in urine of children in orphanages in Russia and Romania. The results found that oxytocin increases in children after contact with her birth mother.

Research conducted in 2005 and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that oxytocin levels also remain in the same foster child. This may explain why some adopted children have difficulty in forming relationships.

11. Triggering proximity mother with baby
A 2007 study published the journal Psychological Science found that women who had higher levels of oxytocin during the first trimester of pregnancy closer to her baby. Compared with other women, women who have high levels of oxytocin during pregnancy and a few months after childbirth is also much closer to her baby.

Source:  MyHealthNewsDaily

6 Ways to Beautify Vagina and Health Risk

(Photo: thinkstock)

The more weird just wants people today. I do not know since when female beauty is not only in the face and personality. As if not to be outdone, the most intimate part of a woman, too, faces made to look beautiful. But watch out, the consequences can be dangerous.

Cosmetic treatment for beauty vagina has become a trend in recent years. Not just a scent or cleaning, vagina now polished like other female body parts such as face, hair or nails.

As reported by, on Thursday (27/12/2012), the following is a technique to enhance vaginal treatment and its consequences:

1. Vajazzling
This technique is done by way of makeup vagina with jewelry attached to using wax. One international artist who started this trend is Jennifer Love Hewitt when interviewed by a TV station in the U.S.. This method is actually safe, depending on the skin reaction to candle wax. Disruption that may occur are itching.

2. Coloration
Strange indeed, but there are people who dye her pubic hair to be colorful or just look 'different'. Unfortunately, the skin under the pubic hair is easier than scalp irritation.

Options for coloring pubic obvious personal problems. To ensure it does not cause irritations, it's good dye products tested before in other parts of the body, such as the armpits, because the skin was almost as sensitive.

3. Bleaching
Not only clothes are given a whitening or bleaching, but pussy too. With certain chemicals, vulva skin will be more brightly colored contrived. Unfortunately, liquid chemicals can cause irritation, blisters, burns even. Most women who did not experience significant problems bleaching. But given the risks, bleaching should not be done.

4. Brazilian Waxing
This technique is done by way of using wax to shed most or all pubic hair. Regarding safety, pubic hair can actually serve as a protective and cushioning vulva vagina.

In addition, waxing can also disrupt or tear the skin and cause rashes and infections. The place is not hygienic beauty treatments can increase the risk of problems. When they find it boil or abscess, see your doctor immediately because it can spread to the genital tract.

5. Piercing
Now the piercing can be installed in almost all parts of the body, not just ears only. In the vagina, piercing usually installed in the clitoris, inner labia and outer labia or perineum.

The risk, any body part pierced actual risk of infection. If you choose to pierce the genitals, note the condition of the vagina. If redness, swelling, or other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

6. Cosmetic Surgery
Some of moneyed women choose to remodel pussy extreme way, that is through surgical procedures. Usually surgery done to shorten and reshape the labia, clitoris and narrow the vagina highlight.

All surgical procedures have risks such as scarring, permanent disfigurement and painful nerve damage. Women who have enlarged labia are often unable to perform activities such as cycling or have sex without pain.
